We're REVVING Up for Next Year

WEC18 - Indianapolis, Indiana

Get Early Bird
Rates for 2018


The World Education Congress is MPI’s signature event through which it delivers premier education, business and networking opportunities. The conference is scheduled for June 2-5, 2018 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Indianapolis is the #1 convention city in the U.S, and it’s the perfect host for WEC’s cutting edge education. Every programming decision MPI is making for WEC18 is toward the goal of revitalizing you and the events you plan. From the keynotes to concurrent sessions; from the networking functions to the food, WEC18 will be the place to recharge yourself and the experiences you design.


Don't miss out on these special early bird rates!
Available through September 30, 2017





Call for Speakers for 2018

We are pleased to announce that the call for speaking proposals is now open for WEC18.

We are seeking presenters that will invigorate with new topics and inspire the WEC audience.

For more information and to submit your proposal(s) for WEC 2018, click below and follow the instructions for submission. All proposals are due back to MPI no later than close of business, Monday, October 2, 2017.


Apply to Speak at WEC18



Missed WEC17 in Las Vegas?

Check out the recap video below!



View WEC17 Photos

You can view more WEC17 photos at the MPI Facebook Page.
Orange is the exclusive event photographer for WEC17

Catch all the WEC17 Sessions


Purchase a Virtual Pass for $99 to access a full digital library of more than 70 sessions of WEC17 educational content, filmed on-site during the general and concurrent sessions. More than 50 hours of CMP-IS and CAE-accredited clock hours you can apply to gaining or maintaining your Certified Meeting Professional or Certified Association Executive designations.

Free access for Premier-level MPI Members.